Archive for Eva Green

Entertainment Weekly’s Best & Worst Bond Girls

Posted in Best & Worst, Bond Girls with tags , , , on January 30, 2008 by Deborah Lipp

Riding the wave of Bond news, EW has put together a list of its best and worst Bond girls. (But not in time to get the name of the new movie into the article.)

There’s plenty to agree and disagree with in their choices. Way too much hate on Octopussy, in my opinion, and while I agree with them about Tiffany Case, most fans’ heads will explode at the thought of her on a “Best” list.

I’m sure that they did this same list when Eva Green was cast, but now I can’t find any record of blogging it. Anyway, it’s always fun to look at someone else’s list.

I saw Black Book last night

Posted in Bond Girls, Wacky Media with tags , , on January 10, 2008 by Deborah Lipp

…and now I have to say, despite the fact that the Carice van Houten rumors were always wacky, I understand why they appealed to people. Van Houten has a dark, vulnerable beauty that seems brooding and sad, and a smile that is dazzling. She’d have been a worthy follow-up to Eva Green.

Not that I’m unhappy about the current choices. We shall see.

Eva Green #6 on Blackwell’s 10 Worst Dressed

Posted in Bond Girls with tags , , , on January 9, 2008 by Deborah Lipp

So, if this is January, it must be time for Mr. Blackwell’s annual 10 Worst Dressed Women of the Year list.

Topping the list is Posh Spice, and frequently-rumored Amy Winehouse makes #2. Our girl Vesper makes #6, and I have to say, when Lindy Hemming isn’t dressing her, she does tend to look kind of like an alien. I mean, layers of weird makeup and strangely sprayed hair in outfits that seem to have a perfectly random relationship to her figure.

So here’s to you, Eva. You are very beautiful, a very talented actress, and very, very strange. Mr. Blackwell has done well by recognizing this.

Let’s think about Casino Royale Bond Girls

Posted in Bond Girls, Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace with tags , , on December 18, 2007 by Deborah Lipp

In CR, there are two Bond girls: The primary Bond girl is British (Eva Green: a French actress playing British), and the olive-skinned “exotic” (Italian) Bond girl who is the sacrificial lamb (Caterina Murino).

We know for a fact that Eon is searching for an “exotic” (Latina) Bond girl. It would be absolutely insane, then, for them to cast Gemma Arterton as the main Bond girl, and give us the same formula as last movie. They’re trying to break away from formula!

So I remain full of doubt. I really, really think she’s got a secondary role or even smaller.