Archive for Irish

Summing up James Bond (“The One Who” game)

Posted in Daniel Craig, George Lazenby, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton, Ultimate JB Fan Book with tags , , , , , on November 2, 2007 by Deborah Lipp

I actually did this in The Ultimate James Bond Fan Book, but I don’t have the manuscript in front of me, and I thought it would be fun to do it again, fresh. I mean, I may end up repeating myself, but I might not.

Here’s the idea: Each actor who played Bond can be characterized, summed up in a few words. Let’s start with the notion that each actor had something valuable to bring to the role, and not be insulting, and then let’s see where we go.

Sean Connery is the one who…
is Scottish.
Created the role.
Has a lisp.
Kills in cold blood.

George Lazenby is the one who…
is Australian.
Only played Bond once.
Has dimples.
Broke a stuntman’s nose during his audition.

Roger Moore is the one who…
was “a gentleman spy.”
Made more Bond films than anyone else.
Raised one eyebrow.
Was tongue-in-cheek.

Timothy Dalton is the one who…
is Welsh.
Was the “dark Bond.”
Is known for playing villains in numerous movies.
Is the tallest Bond.

Pierce Brosnan is the one who…
is Irish.
Straightens his tie.
Seems like a combination of all his predecessors.
Should have gotten one more chance!

Daniel Craig is the one who…
is blond.
Is the shortest Bond.
Surprised a lot of fans.
Is the “rebooted” Bond.

Your turn!